Skills & training

At EAC we are immensely proud of the many things we have achieved in 20 years and extremely grateful to the partners and funders who have supported our work but we know hat there is much more to do to ensure that every young person can access education and sports that responds to their needs and address social challenges that they face daily.

Skills Training

The EAC provides a range of training that reflects the daily challenges youth face. Training is designed to inspire, to act as experience sharing and networking, building friendships across cultures, communities and borders. In Swahili we say – ujuzi (knowledge), umoja (solidarity) na upendo (and friendship). The thematic sectors are held as workshops in 2-3 hours sessions in the morning before the sports activities start. The thematic sectors at the EAC are facilitated by organizations with a mandate or competence within that specific sector. The sectors are based on how sports and cultural activities can be tools for awareness raising and bridge building across different groups. Thematic sectors range from:

  1. Stop Poverty Campaign: This workshop focuses on strategies for addressing poverty and promoting economic empowerment among young people. This workshop is facilitated by Youth Peace Movement (YPM) and YMCA/YWCA.
  2. Transformative Masculinity: This workshop explores the role of men in promoting gender equality and ending gender-based violence. This workshop is facilitated by Youth Peace Movement (YPM) and YMCA/YWCA.
  3. Youth and Mental Health: This workshop provides information on mental health issues affecting young people and strategies for promoting mental wellness. This workshop is facilitated by Youth Peace Movement (YPM) and YMCA/YWCA.
  4. Gender-Based Violence: This workshop is focused on strategies for preventing gender-based violence and promoting gender equality. This workshop is facilitated by TAI Tanzania through use of story-telling and animations.
  5. Child Safeguarding: This workshop focus on strategies for protecting children from abuse and promoting child welfare. This workshop is facilitated by CHRISC Tanzania based on child safeguarding principles and guidelines developed in collaboration with Norway Cup.
  6. Fit For Life: This workshop explores strategies for promoting healthy lifestyles among young people in the region. This workshop is facilitated by UNESCO. UNESCO will use the EAC platform for presenting, developing and distributing the Fit for Life program in East Africa. The intention is also that UNESCO and EAC develop indicators to assist further program development and feedback/monitoring to the participating organizations in the EAC and the Fit for Life program.
  7. Media Training: This workshop is about developing media skills for young people, those trained are actively engaged as media team during the event.
  8. Coaching and Laws of the Game: This workshop provides training on coaching and the laws of the game. This workshop will be facilitated by MYSA.
  9. Interfaith Dialogue: This workshop will focus on promoting interfaith dialogue and peaceful co-existence among young people from different religious backgrounds. The workshop will be facilitated by Norwegian Church Aid and their partner Evangelical Lutheran Church of Northern Diocese Tanzania.
  10. Chess and Life skills: This workshop will explore the game of chess as a tool for promoting life skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision- making. This workshop will be facilitated by IYANNA (in coordination with the international Chess Federation and regional chess federations).
  11. Culture. This workshop focuses on sharing and learning how to use culture and itstools (e.g. drama, dance, music) to promote awareness on various topics and inspire youth to act in their communities.